Distributor conference Asia – Bangkok, Thailand
14th and 15th December 2017
During our two-day event you’ll be able to learn first hand from compressed air experts. We will talk about how to analyze air audit data and how to find optimization opportunities. We will give you a training on all VPInstruments flow meters, including the VPFlowScope M. We will also show you how to install VPVision energy management software and how to use it. And we will share our future plans with you.
We will have different speakers who are experienced compressed air experts and we will share a number of very interesting cases with you.
We have limited seating available, so please register today!
Program – 14th December
- VPInstruments introduction
- Speaker: Mr. Bo Kuraa, who is head of BKU Consult in Denmark & Member of UNIDO. Expert in Industrial Processes – 26 years of experience in Industrial Energy Auditing. UN International Energy Management System (EnMS) Expert & UN International Compressed Air System Optimization (CASO) Expert.
- Speaker: Mr. Tim Hung, CEO at Eagleland Co. Ltd. Eagleland is one of the best performing distributors of VPInstruments and will share a case study on one of the biggest VPVision projects in Asia.
- Lunch
- Speaker: Mr. Sami Mykkanen, CEO at Enersize Oyj in Finland. Enersize is very successful in China providing energy management solutions to improve compressed air efficiency.
- Speaker: Mr. Nietin Somaroe, Manager Asia Pacific at VPInstruments.
- Dinner
Program – 15th December
- VPInstruments product training
- VPFlowScope M training
- Lunch
- VPVision sales training
- VPVision installation training
- VPInstruments growth in Asia and future plans
- Dinner and drinks
After registration, we will confirm by personal e-mail and send you more information, including a discount at The Continent Hotel where the event is located.