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Webinar – Compressed air leaks – Your low hanging fruits
Free compressed air is no longer exists, even at the gas stations or in your factories. Compressed air is costly: it is 10 times more expensive than electricity and plays 10 – 30% of your industrial electricity bill every month. However, your money is running out every day from the compressed air leakages.
In this webinar, VPInstruments and UESystems will discuss the best practice to define and manage your compressed air leakages – the easy low-hanging fruits to improve your energy savings.
Main takeaways:
– Savings potential of compressed air leakage management
– Why leak detection?
– How flow meters can measure and allocate leakage levels
– How to measure leakage level in a 24/7 factory
– Detecting leaks with ultrasound; fast and easy
– Tag and report of leaks